Your trusted partner in delivering customized executive and professional recruiting solutions.
The source of our success is our extensive experience in highly specialized industries.
With a strong industry focus, we gain greater access to the most qualified candidates and deliver quick and efficient solutions.
In short, we keep business moving.

Specializing in customized executive and professional recruiting solutions, Expert Connections caters to global industry-specific clients with locations in the US. ​
Our strength lies in sourcing top-tier talent for professional and executive roles in manufacturing, with focus on the automotive and automation industries. ​
Our tailored approach ensures that we match the unique needs and demands of our clients with the highest caliber candidates in these specialized fields.​

Für unsere deutschsprachigen Kunden: ​
Die einzigartigen Herausforderungen bei der Personalsuche von Unternehmen aus der DACH-Region sind uns sehr vertraut. ​
Wir verstehen die Feinheiten des Talentmanagements und bieten maßgeschneiderte Lösungen, um Ihre spezifischen Anforderungen bei der Personalsuche zu erfüllen. ​
Bei Expert Connections gehen wir über herkömmliche Recruiting Dienstleistungen hinaus und bieten Ihnen strategische Beratung und Unterstützung in jedem Schritt, um Ihr Unternehmen erfolgreich auf dem
US-Markt zu positionieren. ​
Dank unserer langjährigen Erfahrung mit deutschsprachigen Unternehmen in den USA können wir grundlegende Unterstützung in Bezug auf Arbeitsgesetze, Visa-Anforderungen und kulturelle Unterschiede bieten und sprechen dabei Ihre Sprache.​

“Silvia is a best in class recruiter, consummate professional, and an excellent resource to partner with to achieve your hiring / recruiting needs. Specializing in the automotive sector she has the know how to help fill those tough positions. She does excellent pre-screening which allowed me to focus on my job and spend less time doing phone screens and first interviews. Not being flooded with questionable resumes is a welcome approach. Hiring magers appreciate this as well. Thank you for all your efforts and hard work on behalf of the team.”